Drum Fills for the Session Drummer
The last few weeks have seen me take a rather academic approach to various drum-related topics. This week is a complete departure. I offer my guide to Drum Fills for the Session Drummer – a (hopefully) humorous look at different drum fills in the context of a typical recording session.
The hope of any aspiring (and even working) session drummers is to have enough chops to instantaneously play whatever idea their brain thinks up in the moment. In the interest of providing aspiring players with a vocabulary of drum fills for the session drummer, I went one step further and assigned some drum fills to three categories: reliable — safe for any occasion, shady — they may be too much or just right depending on the song and producer, and naughty drum fills — way over the top. If you’re still reading, I hope you realize this whole article is just a flimsy pretext for being cynical and satirical about us drummers. Enjoy the video.